Philippians 4:4-5&8~
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near...Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whateve is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
Wow, I just got back from my CO CIY trip around 7 tonight. It was amazing. This is the most fun I've had in a long time. It was such an awesome experience. Yeah, Stacey's probably right with the whole "spiritul high" thing that it'll all be gone when you get back, but I'm going to try my hardest to keep this fire that I have for God now. We left monday morning on the 30th at about 6:15 ish for our 9 hour drive to Ft. Collins CO. The ride was pretty boring, but Josh, Aaron, and Jotham made it pretty good. I had gotten 1 hour of sleep the night before, but I didn't really sleep on the bus at all. We get there and we have to wait outside our building of the CSU campus (CO State University) for like, 2 hours waiting for Scott B. to finish up some paper work to get our keys to our rooms. Chels and I were paired together. There's no AC in the rooms, but in the main Lobby it is, so we spent most of our time in there. The worship time was so powerful and awesome, it was like being at a concert that was good for you. lol. The message was really good too. Very deep, it made you think, and it was good to listen to. We pretty much studied in the book of Philippians. The speakers were awesome, but one was my favorite. I think his name was David Dean, he's a comedian and he said the most hilarious stuff I had ever heard. I was laughing so hard, I was nearly crying. I'm going to see if I can get Michelle, Ben, and Diane to go next year. It would be so cool. I kinda wished Tim was there, because there were a lot of things said that I think he probably should have heard. It's ok though, it's probably better that he wasn't there, because he probably would have been a destraction for me...not like that, but that I wouldn't have been able to focus on God's word that much in that way. I still care about him, but it would be nice if he could have experienced what I did, and grow closer to God. Well, I only got like, 2 hours of sleep then 3 hours of sleep on the bus, so I'm going to catch some shut eye, it's like 11:40 pm. I've got church tomorrow too.
"It's ok....take your time."