"Band, forward march and 1,2,3, yardline,5,6,7, yardline, to the rear-march pivot, left turn, turn pivot, left turn turn, right turn turn, to the rear-march to the rear-march, right spin spin...band halt 1,2"
My summer so far has pretty much consisted of band. Ha ha, I'm a band nerd and I know it. Despite what everyone says about it, I think it is fun and you get great looking legs from it. I've noticed that it's the people who are in band who have the "best bodies" around school....well, at least the best looking legs.....Maybe because we march 9 hours a day (literally). "When you have dreams about calling commands and following them....you might be a band nerd." Today, I actually came home at a decent time. Practice goes from 7:30-9:30am, but knowing Mr. Kellett we never get out on time. I was home by 9:45, now I can catch some Z's. I stayed up late last night watching Chobits with Heather....wow...that's a whole hour of my life I can never get back. So, needless to say, I was pretty tired at band. Liz Prigmore came to the New HS and said Hi. She tells me I'm missed at the old HS....I feel so loved. I'm going to miss them so much. Hmm....I gotta go wash my uniform....I don't want to work.....
[kyra] (not signed in)