Right now I'm also feeling kinda sick because over the span of a month and a half, I've managed to get about 3 to 5 hours of sleep...not very good. I'm going to Homecoming with a kid named Andrew. He asked me in the sweetest way. Quite creative, so if any guys read this they should take notes: We're online chatting and all of a sudden he says..."Man, I have this song stuck in my head and I don't know who sings it. I think it's about a guy asking a girl in his psychology class to homecoming with him." Ok Guys, Girls will swoon over that kind of guy...who thinks of creative and sweet ways to say things. Well, I'm going to get going on my homework again, it's 11:11 pm and I need to finish it up....preferably before Midnight.
Have lots of fun at homecoming.