Raindrops are cool. A quote from Despair.com: No single raindrop is to blame for the flood.
That's a great site too. I read the funniest thing today. Stacey was helping me set up my account on here and she clicked on friends....and it said I didn't have any... ok, you would have had to been there... I think it's ironic that my diary name is Dandy-Lions yet there is a mood that's "dandy".... so that is my mood. How exactly does one describe the mood as dandy? What if you combined the mood happy and dandy...would it be...handy? That'd be pretty cool. Wow, no comments from my last entry...I feel loved. No, seriously, maybe they're being nice by not saying that I ramble...and what not. Oh well. I'll eventually "get friends"... eventually....the point is that these things take time. Kinda like waiting for the mail to come... In other news, my parents are leaving town for the week, so I'm pretty much going to be left here by myself....by myself...with Molly, the coolest dog in the world...and a car....and a job. Crap, I got to work tomorrow..and Saturday...and Sunday. Working is unfortunate, but the payment is great. I guess it depends on where you work. Hmmm... just a random thought, but if you pinch a mime, will he scream? Tricky...
Clarinetists and homestarrunner.com rock out loud. ;)
Have a great day.
Hey- that handy thing is pretty cool. Hathe is between Loathe and hate. And Yesh and knoq are yes and know mispelled- cool eh? lol...hope i helped