Yeah, things are going pretty good. I'm just kinda tired from everything going on. I have to worry about All-State try outs coming up and I haven't even looked at the music, let alone practiced it, I'm helping my youth minister plan a coffee house night for a youth meeting, I had an SLT meeting today from 1230-2, then Drama from 2-4, now I have homework and I have no clue how to do my Algebra II homework. I'm working only.....3 days next week and I have to worry about how much homework I'm going to have on those days too. Now I need to find 15 hours of community service to do for NHS. I've already given away 3 of my forms for people to put comments on about me to increase my chances of getting in. That'll be cool if I do. Anyway, I need to get started on some homework, so I'll write more later.
See ya space monkey