Ephesians 1:4-6~
"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons though Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will--to the praise of his glorious grace, which has freely given us in the One he loves."
It really is a good feeling to know that I am a chose one of Christ...why do I know such, because this verse tells me so. All scripture is God breathed, so I believe it with all my heart. I believe that I am saved. Anyway, I bet you guys are saying "this isn't the Christian network, we have preachers for that" Well, I'll respect that to some extent because we should always take the chance to evangalize.
Today was pay day at work. I'm so happy that I broke 200 again. That's a shock considering that I didn't work at all last week. Work was total chaos today, for the night shift....we pretty much had the endless line for pretty much the entire night. LOL, at some point, Daniel and Amy were just like "We can't help you down here but they can over there" just to get away from the mad crazy rush. I started feeling better towards the end of the night. Matt, one of our managers, grabbed Joey and I to help the ushers in theater 8. Yeah, I got to leave the stands for a good 15 minutes. It was a nice break from people.
Though earlier today, I came to the conclusion that Brian was just really annoyed with me because, he pretty much didn't talk to me at all, didn't even really look at me...from what I could see at least. Maybe I should have had my glasses on. I felt hurt and I did want to cry. I thought he liked me. I don't know if he does anymore. I really hope he does. I really would like to know what I'm doing wrong. I really do want this to work and last a long time. If only he knew just how much I want this to work. I don't know if he tried to say bye to me when he was off shift, but there was a rush so I must not have heard it if he did say anything. Brian, if you read this, please tell me something. You know that me being in the dark just makes my mind think things, and they're usually not for the best either. Please don't brush me aside, I've had that done way too much in the past and it hurts. But then again...I am the middle child so I'm either over looked or greatly scrutinized.
I'm getting kinda tired. I really hope tomorrow goes better. I'll write later.