Sorry, no verse for tonight. I'm very tired. I just got home and it's 11:27 pm from my 11.5 hour shift. I was about to cry, I just wanted to go home but stupid me took someone else's shift tonight. I had the never ending line of people. I just wanted to shoot myself. We just had Tomb Raider, Spy Kids, and some other movie just come out and the place was packed. We pretty much had all our managers out in the concessions working with us it was that bad. I'm surprised we didn't break the record again. Last time we broke it, more than 8,000 people attended the theater that day...I think that was a couple days after Finding Nemo came out. Today was worse. I thought my first day was bad....no...this has no comparison. lol. Joey if you read this, it was made better because he (Brian) was there =P. But no, every time I'd be finished with my customers, another line would form behind them. As soon as I'd be finished with them, another line would form behind the last person. A never ending cycle. That was just like being hit in the head repeatidly with a sock full of quarters. I try to make somethings interesting and have a slight British accent when talking to my customers. It's quite entertaining
So I finally get off my shift and I see Brian in his car..well, he got out to throw something away and we have this thing that I call him stalker because one day at work we kept running into each other. So I'm like "bye stalker" and he's like "oh admit it, you like me stalking you" and I'm like "just admit you like stalking me" and he's like "I never denied it." So we're just going on about the whole stalker thing. Brian really is the sweetest guy I've met and even Michelle agrees with me on that one. She and him were in the same tech class for drama. He's a cool guy, nicest one too. Anyway, I have a feeling Stacey will be coming down stairs soon to kick me off the computer. LOL, so I'll just kick myself off. Later.
sounds like brians a pretty good guy too.