2 Peter 1:5-7~
"Because you have these blessings, do your best to add these things to your lives: to your faith, add goodness; and to your goodness add knowledge, add self control, and to your self control add patience."
This whole summer can pretty much be summed up as pretty boring, yet kinda eventful. I must admit that I did have fun along the way. School is starting in a matter of weeks and I'm actually quite excited. School for me comes as such a relief more than a burden. I thoroughly enjoy it.
My best friend Michelle is coming back from England on the 31st. It seems like such a long time away. Later today, I'm going to see Pirates of the Caribbean with Anna and Chelsea. It's great working at the theater because you don't have to pay for a single movie.
Now there had come a new struggle in my life. There's a guy I work with whose name is Brian. A pretty fun and funny kid, but lately, I've been maybe under the wrong impression, but I think he might feel something for me. Jumping to conclusions is just another way to get yourself hurt, but if this is true, I don't know what I should do. In the back of my mind, I still have the faith and hope that Tim will come back, yet as each day passes on, it begins to be consumed by doubt. Patience is a virtue yet I'm not to sure on what to do. I've prayed my hardest for the past month about Tim coming back, sometimes in tears...yet nothing has happened. God works in mysterious ways, but I don't want it to be too late. There's just one problem after another, yet when you look back on things you can see that it did strengthen something in some way. Hind sight is always 20/20. I've decided I'm giving Tim until Homecoming to see if he's going to ask me to the one at North (Old HS) or not...I kinda doubt that he will. Maybe this is kinda God's way of telling me to give dating a rest for a while and let him take care of things. Seems reasonable...it's just the waiting that kills. Oh well, something good always comes from situations, whether we realize them at the time or not.
I love school. I don't see why people don't. All my friends make fun of me, but eh. I don't mind. ^_^
I love your diary colors.