WE GOT A NEW KITTEN!!! It's so cute. His name is Smokey, but I call him Smokes...I'm listening to this song and it's hilarious. But I don't know who sings it. It's great though. It actually sounds like my mom....which is Stacey's mom......anyway... It's a bit boring here. It's almost like, now that it's summer I'm not allowed to do anything with my friends...hmm...summer vacation.. that's an oxy-moron for my life. I got burned yesterday. It's ubercool because now I'll be tan. It's my goal to be as dark as I can get...with out getting cancer. That'll just be unfortunate if that happens. I really like that song by t.A.T.u....even though they're lesbos...All the Things She Said. but when i first heard it, I thought they were saying All the Things You Said. I thought it was a cool song. Just change a few of the words around so that it's to a guy, ha ha, and then it's an even better song.
Lately, I've contemplated moving back with my mom or taking up Michelle on her offer to live with her. Things aren't getting better here. I bite my tongue to keep from lashing out in anger....It's taking so much out of me to not lose my cool around Sarah. I'm just going to keep my distance.