Ephesians 4:2~
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."
Yeah, I just came back from Krista's. I passed off Barbarian Horde so I'm happy now. Just one more song for halftime and I'm all set. Well, Mr. K still has to give us like....4 more songs to memorize...totally about 10 for this year. Fun all over again. Here's the web site for our songs so far if you have the time or the boredom (which ever comes first) to listen to what we're doing this year. Personally, I think this year's show is going to be awesome. I think this school year is going to be pretty good too.
I haven't gotten to talk to Brian yet today. He's working...grr...I have things against working on Sundays. I talked to him again last night...kind of about anything and everything. I don't know if it'll work between us but I do hope it does. But anyway, I've got to go practice some more and I'm learning yet another song on the piano, so I'm busy lol. Later