Galatians 1:6-7~
"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel--which is really no gospel at all."
Band is really so much fun, but I wish I could share my enjoyment of it and tell Brian all the stuff that's going on. It'd be great if he could come to the highschool and see us working on our movements. It is really looking awesome. It's so great, I wish everyone could come see it. Even the ones from North. I think I've marched over 20 miles this week, it's crazy but now it's starting to feel good to do it again. AH, enough about band.
I went to see Pirates again today with Michelle, just as good the 4th time as it was the 1st time.
I haven't seen Stacey all day, nor all yesterday...or much of the day before. Hmm...I haven't really seen her at all this week, since....Sunday night I believe. That's sad. Some notes to end on:
Stacey, love you dearly and I know you're looking out for me. You're always there for me when no one else really can be. ;) Love ya
Michelle, don't stop for that red light, no one's coming. Bad van. Saxes weren't that bad, we did worse. Believe me...we were bad.
Chelsea No Middle Name, yeah, don't hate cuz I'm Dutch. lol, j/k. Drumline is sounding awesome this year. You're doing a good job being a Section Leader. Way to Be!
Brian, salt, ice and skin don't mix but it leaves a pretty cool battle scar. Not much time to really talk outside of band and work. I guess I'll see you online after band....or see you at work. Take care.