Today was the end to my string of doubles. I finished my 4th double this week and I know I'm going to be feeling it tomorrow at church. Over all, my day was pretty good. Though the only bad part about it was during my break time tonight, I felt really sick like I couldn't keep anything down. I had a pretzel to eat on my earlier break around 3 pm....so, I don't know what's up. I have been feeling kinda sick too. In the span of one day, I lost like 10 lbs. from not being able to eat..and it didn't feel good. LOL, I'm already extremely underweight as it is.
(No, I'm not anorexic :P) But seriously, I'm not.
LOL, a lot of people on here think that I'm searching for a guy to fill my life. I'll look for that later. What I'm looking for is a deeper relationship with God. A guy is just a nice little accessory if you have the right one. It amazes me just how much I really don't know about God. It's my goal now to read the bible cover to cover in a year...maybe 2 so I can really grasp just what it's saying to me. Things will happen later on in life to fill me with understanding and wisdom, just remember, things happen on his time, not yours.
"Life is too short to live on regrets. The past is the past, you can't change it. What you can do now is focus on how to prevent the same mistake in the future." ~Me
I'm really tired, so I'm going to hit the sack. G'Night.