Well, this is the second home game we had this year...it was like 61-12 Fremont. Mr. Kellett wasn't very happy with our pregame performance. I think half time when relatively well, considering the circumstances. Our Drum Major Piper had her knee collapse while we were "swaggering" onto the field for pregame run on. I did the same thing earlier. While we were coming onto the field during practice, my knee collapsed from under me...doing the same thing she was...just mine happened at an earlier time. So...after pregame, my knee didn't feel too great, but I didn't think it worth not marching half time though. So it's about end of 2nd quarter and we're lining up to do the halftime show, and Mr. K asks me if I feel up to marching....so I say yeah, it doesn't feel too bad. Plus he needs all the experienced people on the field he can get. Half way through the first drill, I feel something in my knee just.....go all out of wack and it really doesn't feel good. So I start getting shooting pains up my leg from my knee, but I know it wasn't going to collapse because it was so tightly wrapped. I couldn't back out of marching, so I have to do the other 2 drills..and the 2nd one requires a lot of movement from choreographies and visuals. So after the show, we march off the field...my knees are so swollen. Mainly the right one, but Michelle, being the best friend that she is, gets Mr. Bertheson over to rewrap and look at it. He said that I did need to go see a doctor about my knees, but then when someone wraps it up again, they push the knee cap too high, and it's so painful, but I'm already in enough pain. So I deal with it. Well, by the time the game is done, I can barely walk, and someone carries me from the track to the JH. First it was Zack (admit it, I was too heavy for you) who was carrying me, then it went to an older guy who didn't have any trouble. So I get in the gym and I have to take the ice pack off my knee, it kills too much, and I can't feel the skin from it being so cold. Andrew comes over to me and sees that I am in great pain (but not crying) and he comforts me. Michelle runs out to her car and gives me some wraps to put on it. I'm on the verge of tears it's so bad, but I refuse to cry infront of people. He's such a sweet guy. Then he carries me out to my car, Mike is carrying all my stuff and his stuff, and some of Andrew's things. LoL, Andrew, I was too heavy for you, so don't lie. So Michelle drives me home, (she's the bestest friend in the whole world and I mean it too) in my car and Andrew and Mike follow. It's so sweet of them. Andrew is such a sweet guy. Any way, I've got to go to bed.