Wow. Today was amazing. We had a pep rally today but it wasn't a normal one. I didn't have to suffer through annoying cheerleaders (not all of them) cheers. Instead, we had the real Coach Boone from Alexandria, VA come to our school. The movie block buster "Remember the Titans" was based on a true story, his story. He was actually going to get Denzel Washington to come here too, but he's filming something in Mexico and is on a contract. So instead, he sent us an autographed picture of him to Papillion La Vista South High Titans. Yeah, this week was our kick off week since it's the new school that was just built. All this week it was required in all the English classes that we watch Remember the Titans, since we are Titans, but because that movie came out while they were trying to pick names for what the school should be called. I think it's really cool. Not only did we get a picture from Denzel, but was also got an autographed picture from the Original Titans of 1971. Today has just been really cool. It really would have been amazing of Denzel really did come to our school. Coach Boone said he actually wanted to. We were thinking any minute he was going to walk through the door, like Boone was playing a trick on us, which would have been cool, but it's ok either way. My friends party is tonight, so I have to go get ready for that. I'll write more about tonight...tomorrow or something. Later.