I don't really know how I feel right now, but here's a convo I had with a member of the Papillion La Vista Monarch band (my old school)
(Prowlerboy is the one I had the convo with)
Dutch: i don't like walters
Prowlerboy: haha y not?
Dutch: because he told the clarinets to change the part in the dance when we're suppose to shake it. Piper was mad
Prowlerboy: piper? why piper?
Dutch: because it was her who was telling us to shake it and sell it to the crowd, that was what our section did
Prowlerboy: right.....
Dutch: that was our trade mark for the dance and Walters had to go and change it
Prowlerboy: so she is mad that he is makin us change our dance....when she doesnt even go here anymore
Dutch: and he didn't even annouce to the band today to the veterans about Kellett's kids performing at 4:30 at the park by Papio JH
Prowlerboy: so......he doesnt have to
Dutch: and the dunking at 6.....Mr. Kellett is getting dunked
Prowlerboy: he doesnt have do give a damn
Dutch: after he told me he would announce it
Prowlerboy: right....
Dutch: he told me he would and he didn't
Prowlerboy: right
Dutch: and 5 people almost passed out today because of him
Prowlerboy: haha sure its all his fault
Dutch: it is
Prowlerboy: how so
Dutch: i don't like him
Prowlerboy: how is it his fault?
Dutch: he doesn't give them breaks, makes them march nonstop, and yells at them for not getting their knees up high enough when they're tired because he's worked them so hard
Prowlerboy: right....
Dutch: and in the middle of the day
Prowlerboy: they are not worked hard at all
Dutch: you glide step, you have no idea
Prowlerboy: we do the same stuff every day. If they dont get enough water its their own fault
Dutch: you glide step, you don't know how much it takes to get your knee high, ankle ahead, toe pointed it's his fault for not giving them breaks to get water. I saw it today, no breaks at all
Prowlerboy: and plus.....dont be complinin to me bout "high step crap" i cary a drum around on my chest
Dutch: i carried Andy's quints, i know how heavy it is, you don't have to get your arms up and legs up
Prowlerboy: trust me
Dutch: you just have to glide and keep in step
Prowlerboy: its thae same effect after a while and we play non stop we never get a break
Dutch: these people need air to play, you just need arms, if they can't breathe, they can't play
Prowlerboy: um.....
Dutch: and if they can't breathe, they're worked too hard
Prowlerboy: if most people arent breathing....they arent playin either
Dutch: some of the fittest people i saw were even gasping for air
Prowlerboy: ...its one hour of workout
Dutch: 2 hours nonstop
Prowlerboy: if even that
Dutch: i counted, i had a watch. You can't march if you don't have the energy, and what i saw today saddened me. This isn't the monarch band anymore it's walters's band. The monarch band had fun, these people aren't having fun
Prowlerboy: all this week ive been goin right from band.......to baseball
Dutch: they even told me so
Prowlerboy: oh well we will have fun later we dont need fun right now
Dutch: parade is about fun too, to impress the crowd and have fun doing it
Prowlerboy: when your tryin to prepare for a parade you dont screw around especially when we have a lot to work on
Dutch: but you dont' kill people to make a point either
Prowlerboy: if we were good then we could have fun but were not even close yet, once we are good enough we can have fun
Dutch: we're the best Chris, Walters's is just paranoid
Prowlerboy: until then its gonna be all work
Prowlerboy: what do you mean "we"? you go to south
Dutch: Mr. Kellett made us work, but we still had fun doing it
Prowlerboy: hes tryin to have fun too thats why we work on makin the band dance "funkier". he lets us do stuff that mr kellett would never approve of
Dutch: i heard him say it himself when he hopped on the trailer hitch "This is torture, but look like your having fun."
Prowlerboy: but im just saying
Dutch: 4 people had to step out because they couldn't breathe
Prowlerboy: getting good doesnt come without a price, you have to work for it and if it means not havin fun for a week then so be it
Dutch: Mr. Kellett didn't have that many people stepping out of band because they couldn't breathe, something's wrong with Walters's way of teaching things
Prowlerboy: but remember last year???? people were always gettin sick at band camp its just part of summer band
Dutch: change in season, allergies, not because they couldn't breathe it rain a lot that summer, i remember, i had some problems too but i didn't have to step out of line to breathe
Prowlerboy: im just saying when its hot out....people are gonna get sick......no matter what
Dutch: yeah, of course, but 5 people today
compaired to how many kellett had? Kellett knew when to take a break Walters apparently doesn't. He even had water outside for us
Prowlerboy: well....
Dutch: I dont' see Walters with a Gatorade container filled with water
Prowlerboy: im just sayin dont be judgin
Dutch: he can at least show that he cares about the band, he needs healthy people to make it look good
Prowlerboy: hes not like kellett, he does things differently
Dutch: not when people are about to pass out from heat and lack of oxygen because it's so hot and they're over worked
Prowlerboy: he lets us do what we want......
Dutch: too differently im afraid. I've asked so many people today, they said they're thinking of quitting band
Prowlerboy: if we wanna do something different.....all we have to do is run the idea by him.......kellett would never let us do such stuff
Dutch: if they dont' get to transfer to south
Prowlerboy: oh well then. Let the weak leave.....the strong survive
Dutch: they say it's not fun. it was fun with kellett and you know it. we were still the best yet we had fun
Prowlerboy: it was alright, he didnt like us, drumline i mean
Dutch: and we didn't take fun out of it just to get better
Prowlerboy: its only been a friggin week
Dutch: i still don't like him
Prowlerboy: your little band has been workin together for over a month
Dutch: he's only been a teacher for 2 years and you guys think he's the greatest
Prowlerboy: we never said that
Dutch: kellett's been in this for over 15 years, he knows his stuff
Prowlerboy: and he isn't "prone" to change
Dutch: because he knows what needs to be done and what needs to be to make a band great
Prowlerboy: if we went up to kellett and asked if we could change our cadences....he would laugh in our face.......he didnt buy us new equipment cuz he didnt care about it, our bass drums were held together with electrical tape
Dutch: oh he would have bought you guys stuff if you needed it that badly and you know it
Prowlerboy: and the beginning of the year last year....our drum hookups were hoseties we did need it badly, he was reluctant to buy us crap
Dutch: well, apparently you guys did just fine with what you had
Prowlerboy: yates had to beg for new crap for us, our new harnesses were lucky and he never bought quad mallets or whatnot
Dutch: the point is, don't be disappointed when NSBA comes around and you guys get a 2
Prowlerboy: who cares if we do, if we do it wont be because we didnt work hard
Dutch: then apparently the judges will think so
Prowlerboy: well then they dont know half the story
Dutch: if it won't be from hard work, then what will it be from? marchers, music, in ability to perform because they've been worked to death?
Prowlerboy: stupid mistakes...look.....i dont even want to get into this stupid arguement......if people want to quit then fine.....let em......u dont have to like walters.....you dont go here anymore.......
Dutch: it's still my band just as much as yours
Prowlerboy: sure..... and we wont get a 2
Dutch: just because i don't go there anymore doesn't mean that i don't want to be apart of it
Prowlerboy: walters got a one with ralston so he can easily get a 1 with us
Dutch: ralston, a school of half the size we were
Prowlerboy: yeah
Dutch: dealing with a band of about 100 kids or less, this is a band of nearly 200 again
Prowlerboy: meanin they should theoretically have half the talent
Dutch: more people stayed there than south
Prowlerboy: cuz all of you people left to stay with the "godly" kellett
Dutch: i went there because i also didn't have a choice and i just never liked walters from the beginning
Prowlerboy: then thats ur choice, every other person went just to be with kellett
Dutch: and my opinion of him will stay the same
Prowlerboy: alrighty then. You dont have him as a band director so you dont have to worry about him
Dutch: im worried about the monarchs keeping their tradition
Prowlerboy: we will dont worry
Dutch: i do worry for you guys, i want you to do good
Prowlerboy: me 2. as a matter of fact.....i kinda want to show ur band up.......
Dutch: from what i've seen, actually, we're equally matched we have all the same problems y'all do
Prowlerboy: i just dont like the way kellett took things over to south we were the only band in the state that high stepped and it should stay that way...we were one of the only with a band dance...it shouldve stayed that way, he took our drum parts and put em into ur fight songs
Dutch: we have to make ourselves known too and Yates wrote those himeself and he's with us, he can use them here
Prowlerboy: im just sayin....he is takin everythin unique about our band and puttin em into ur band now its gonna be a competition of whose band dance is better
Dutch: well, walters changed it so i guess you don't have to worry about anything
Prowlerboy: and whose fight song is cooler.
Dutch: i have to admit that On Papillion is better than the Titan Fight song
Prowlerboy: and now papillion and lavista days are actually goin to be meaningful cuz they are gonna be a competition between which band is better. It wont be an easy victory over the stupid little junior highs anymore
Dutch: yeah, no kidding
Prowlerboy: and since you are the new school the judges will probably favor you over us
Dutch: not really
Prowlerboy: theyve seen our parade 30 zillion times
Dutch: they're probably for tradition than new
Prowlerboy: urs is gonna be new so they will like it and you will win
Dutch: they'll want tradition
Prowlerboy: they like kellett. you will probably win just cuz of him and his "status" but anyways...i got to go to a drumline dinner so i guess i will cya around tomorrow or something
Dutch: at who's house?
Prowlerboy: cutler
Dutch: ha ha tell him hi for me
Prowlerboy: were havin enchilidas
Dutch: yum
Prowlerboy: later
Dutch: im hungry, later tator
I'm really mad that Mr. Walters had to go and change everything after he said he would keep it the same. Everything that we and past Monarchs have experienced to make that band great is nothing but a memory now. Sure they still have power-step, but it just isn't the Monarch Band that everyone has grown to love and respect for everything we've accomplished. 37 years of #1 ratings at all of our competitions, over 20 years of winning "Best Band" parade titles, and it was fun getting them. What I saw today at the Old High School did not please me one bit. These people looked miserable. Sure it was hot, but they didn't look good either....idk, comment if you'd like