Today was quite a good day. I had school which sucked, but Lexii and Ashley came home with me because we had soccer practice at five. Tammy stopped by for a minute and i got to see gavin! :) Then we had soccer which was fun cause all we did was warm up, then scrimmage with the boys. After soccer Ashley and I went running. It wasn't really a long run, only about two miles, but with how out of shape I am it like killed me, but i feel really good now:) I really am excited to start getting in shape. I shall not die in preseason (or at least not as bad as last year, lol)
But I don't think i'm going to Michigan anymore, cause i dont think i'll be able to get enough money in timee.
I'm so excited for schoool to get out! :)
I started my japanese final today and out of 123 questions I didn't know 18. Which if i left it like that it would be like an 85 if I didn't get to fill in the rest, but I do tomorrow:) I'm just really nervous about the rest of the finalsss ah! Especially history, but whatever. I hate finallls.
I can't help it if you look like an angel ♥