So, I kinda slacked on writing kinda bad this past week =p and the worst part is I wasn't even busy, so I should have been writing, but oh well.
Ah.. So Colton and I have been arguing a lot. I start too much with him, and I know most of our arguments are my fault, but I just like to let him know how I feel when I feel that way, but anyway. He went and stayed up at states with Melinda and Cassie for two nights at Melinda's aunt's house. Now I know I shouldn't tell him what he can and can't do.. but that's a little bit far. I know he's just friends with them and he loves me and blahblah whatever, but still. He really doesn't understand how awful that makes me feel, I know if I went and stayed with some of my guy friends he really wouldn't be too impressed. So, I am really quite pissed about that even though he's on his way home right now. I think it's quite ridiculous. And he told me that he'll be doing such things over the summer. He better not make a habit of it. I really wish he understood how this made me feel, maybe then he wouldn't be so for it... whatever
So last night was quite fun, Terra Tifany and I went out to eat then we came back here and hung out. Then we decided to go down to the dandy. So i call kody to see where he is and he was at the dandy which was quite exciting so we ran in and hung out with him and casey for awhile. then kody left, eventually casey left. Then we found Kyle Reider, Evan Schoonover, and Tyler Corder.. and Tifany and Terra wanted to buy some weed off them. And I was like ya'll are crazy, I absolutely can't get caught doing that stuff again, so then they were going to buy some and smoke it sometime without me..which i was completely ok with (even though it kinda sucks, but its for the better) and so kyle's like text me in a little bit. So then Matt Silvers came and Him and I had a nice long talk, I've missed him quite a bit :) I really hope him and Kyrstin get back together. Then my grandma came down to pick us up which sucked cause tif and ter couldn't get there stuff, but oh well:) then we just hung out for awhile.
I'm loving how nice the weather has been lately!
I hate how ridiculous the dress codes at school are getting, people with long legs/arms can't really allways buy shorts long enough that their finger tips are shorter. Being short I have quite the advantage, but still. Mrs.Olsen was being a cunt yesterday and was giving taylor madden and I hell about it... I was like.. you're a school nurse, this is not your concern, go to the nurses office and take care of ill children and mind your business:)
I'm really worried about my sister, she hooks up with too many guys. I honestly am soo afraid she's going to either get pregnant or get an STD. A lot of the guys she's been hanging out with she doesn't even really know. One of the guys she's been hanging out with already has a kid.. and he drinks beer more than he breathes air.. I'm extremely worried. When I told her this she basically blew me off likeI was an idiot for worrying. She thinks it won't happen to her. I wish she'd be a little more intelligent when it comes to that kind of stuff.
So basically, I absolutely cannot wait until summer. It's alllmost here! :) Less than three weeks 'til we're out of school :D
life with you makes perfect sense, you're my best friend ♥