Wow, I need to stop skipping like entire weeks at a time :p
Although last week really was uneventful. We had a baseball game on Thursday and won that so we were in the district finals on saturday and we lost :( But at both of those games I had a super lot of fun with the other managers, aha. I love being a baseball manager, it's so much fun! :)
Friday night I went to Colton's sister's game and hung out with him, Nolyn, and Jaz. It was really fun. We took a nice walk and just chilled:) I love hanging out with them. Me and Jaz decided we're gonna start double-dating, ahah. How exciting! But after that we went to the ice cream place and I got mac and cheeese:) Then Colton and I went back to his house. It was quite fun. We watched bedtime storiesss:) Which was good from what I watched, but most of the time I drew Colton a picture :p
Then on Saturday I had that baseball game to go to and after that my sister picked me up and we went up to my mom's. I wanted lyss to come over and my sister was even going to give her a ride, but her mom was being shitty:( Whatever, aha. It was still quite decent. And I got to babysit Pierce for a lil bit:) I loove him! aha.
Then on Sunday my sister came up to my mom's to pick me up and nothing eventful happened on Sunday.
There's only like a week of school left and I'm so stressed about finals, I just want summer to come! I'm absolutley stoked.
I guess on June 22nd-29th I may be going to Michigan with my sister because her boyfriend's mom lives there. I just need to get like three hundred dollars by then :p I'm hoping I can get it! 'Cause I really want a vacation, plus I get to do tons of neat stuff. Aha neat is a great word:)
Colton and I have been great:) We haven't really argued lately which is great. I really wish I could hang out with him and his friends more and get to know them more and just have fun with them, but he thinks I wouldn't enjoy it so he doesn't even want me to comee, whatever. I'll deal with it, I reallly love him! In three days it'll be our 2 years & 2 months, wowww.
Butttt, I need to go study for my Japanese final :( So i'll try to stop slacking on this!
I just feel complete when you're by my side ♥