My orthodontist appointment went well, but the bitch pinched my lip and made it bleed. It really hurtt.
I had so much fun with Alysssa! We sucked helium out of balloons and sang and recorded it :p It was absolutely hilarious. I loved it.
I am really excited for this weekend! Even though I don't get to see or talk to Colton at all I'm going to have a great weekend. Tomorrow after school Terra and Lexy are coming with me to get my nails done, then we're going to come up here for a bit, then go to chinese with ashley and tiffany, then we're going to terra's for the night. It should be a crazyy fkn night. :) Ah!
Then saturday morning Graham is coming to visit. I'm really excited, I miss him quite bad. This weekend is supposed to be my mom's weekend, but i'm going to lie to my grandma and tell her i have tag day on saturday so i can hang out with graham. Then i'll go to my mom's late saturday evening :) and alyssa is hopefully staying there too. It should be a good time :)
I miss Schuyler a lot, He needs to move back here. I miss hanging out with him and stuff. It sucks a lot.
So, my jealousy is pretty much gone for now. I guess I was just lacking sleep and was in a very irritable mood yesterday and that didn't help at all, but I guess it's better now. Although i'm not feeling so good about our relationship. Idk like, I am absolutely in love with him, but honestly, I feel like I'm not making him happy at all, ever. He really doesn't act happy when he's around me. He only acts happy usually when he's with his friends. It seems he'd rather be around them than me. I feel horrible. Like, i'm glad that he's happy when he's with his friends, but I never used to feel like this. And if I try to talk to him about this he insists that I make him happy, he just doesn't understand. He has changed a lot and he doesn't really act like he's in love with me anymore, I'm really scared.. I absolutely do not want to loose him, ever..
you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be, and i don't want to go home right now. ♥