So Saturday I went to my cousin's garage sale and hung out there. I was pretty upset because Chenay wasn't there so it was just Melinda, Breanna, and I, but Melinda had to go to a party a couple hours after I got there so Breanna and I hung out. We went to some pond to catch tadpoles and it was really fun, but we saw a watersnake, so we left. Then we went back to her house and tried to watch a movie and fell asleep for like three hours. After that I just hung out with the drunk adults and laughed at how ridiculous they are. After I got home, I went to Tammy's with Ashley and stayed there for the night. We babysat Gavin, and Tammy made us really good stuffed shells:) Gavin has gotten soo much bigger and he's soo adorable, i love babysitting him:) Plus he was being really good and he barely cried.
On Sunday, we woke up and watched A Cinderella Story, Matilda, Little Man, then Matilda again, ahah. Then Ashley brought me home and I hung out here til like 5, then I went to Colton's. We didn't really do anything too relevant, but I had a lot of fun, I always have fun with him:) Things have been getting better and I hope they stay like that. I just am the most jealous person ever. Like, I even get upset when he's just texting another girl, I'm just seriously soo paranoid he's going to leave me for another girl. It worries me soo bad! But anyway, I got home at like 11 and Lexy was here when I got here so we hung out all night and she stayed here, I had a lot of fun:)
Then on Monday (yesterday), Lexy and I got up and got ready and went to some Memorial service with my grandma. It was really quite boring, but there were a lot of cute old people:) and Jon Purdy! ahah he's great. Then we went back to my house and Lexy left. Then I got ready and went to Colton's. We jumped on his trampoline with his sister's which was pretty fun :p Then we left and went to Wyalusing for his sisters' game, that was also fun. Colton's so cute, I love him soo much :) I wish we spent more time together, but I'll live! Aha.
Today I was supposed to get out at 1 for baseball, but the stupid game got postponed until Thursday, which blows big dick. It's whatever, I'm kind of excited/nervous. I hope we win:) School sucked today and I'm really stressed because:
1. I have two projects due on Thursday.
2. I'm really stressin' about my art final because i'm nervous that i'm doing it wrong.
3. finals are really soon and i'm going to absolutely bomb all of them besides japanese and algebra two.
And finallly! I get to go to the doctors tomorrow to see what the test results from my uppper GI scan were. I'm extremely nervous. :/ Hopefully they can fix me now, and I won't be so unhealthy all the time.
if you leave, I hope you need to come back ♥