It's mother's day! I'm very sad I can't go see my mom. I wanted to reall bad and I made her a kick ass card but my sister won't take me up.
I'm excited for Tuesday! It's the semi-finals of American Idol. Theres three left- Danny, Adam, and Kris. I'm in love with Kris. he's gorgeous as hell. But adam and danny are both better singers than him. I'm so stoked :)
I'm supposed to be with Colton right now at a basketball tournament, I really really wish I was there. Instead I'm stuck here. And I have to go out to eat with my grandma, uncle paul,and his woman today. Laaame!
Doreen is doing my nails on Friday and I'm excited. But i'm quite sad because I don't get to hang out with Colton at all this weekend cause he's going camping, the worst part of all is that he doesnt have fcking service. At all. Holy hell, somebody kill me.
We have a field trip on Tuesday andd I'm quite excited. I'm getting so sick of school. 30 days til schools out, hallelujah.
i went out to eat with my grandma, uncle paul, and his woman. it wasn't nearly as bad as expected. i actually had a nice time. and i saw two people that i was extremely excited to see! I saw schuyler whom I haven't seen in nearly two months. and I saw Dustin Linaberry that I haven't seen in probly at least five months. I had a nice talk with both of them and it was nice to see them, ha.
When i got home I worked on ashley's scrapbook a bit.
i'm really excited to finish it!
also, Lyss called me alittle bit ago. I was glad to hear from her. I miss her a lot. we're probably gonnna hang out soon. plus we have an orthodontist appt on thursday together. so i'll see her then, fcking stoked!
Well that's all for today. I'm gonna go work on stuff for ashley's scrapbook and take a shower 'n stufff.
this heart, it beats, beats for only you. ♥