I'm probably going to have a lot to vent about in this entry, so bear with me :p
So the field trip was really fun yesterday. We met a lot of random people and idk it was just a really good time. :) Except at the baseball game I was pretty much the only one out of my friends that actually wanted to pay attention. We met these random guys but they were boring so I left the people I was with and went inside and sat with jaz, nolyn, taylor madden, nick, mike, taylor, adam, trevor, and taylor shay and it was such a good time. we screamed and sang and danced the entire time. and i had a really amazing foam finger :D aha. we had such a good time. I loved it.
Today was really boring and I was soo tired. I seriously woke up like 15 minutes before I had to leave for school.
Keith Urban's music is deeeep :)
I got really upset today because idk. I get really jealous too easily. Like, the first year and a half Colton and I were together my jealousy was really bad. But after that it got better I basically got used to it and it didn't bother me at all, but for some reason today I got really upset and like.. he was with Melinda and i wanted to like, die. I felt completely horrible, but I didn't talk to him about it because I feel really bad. Like, I don't want him to think he can't hang out with her or something. It's his life.. he can do what he wants. I just don't want to lose him at all, I really do love him a lot..
The worst part about that though is the fact that I feel like I need someone to talk to about it, but literally none of my close friends have experienced it. None of them have even had relationships more than like 3 months and it was nothing serious. So I don't really know who to go to, so I went to Sarah. I think it was a good idea because she made me feel a lot better. And she's really good friends with Colton and Melinda. And at first I was really scared she'd tell Melinda or something, but I don't think she's going to. I was very glad i went to her about it :)
On a better note, I am missing school tomorrow to go to the orthodontist and I get to spend my entire day with Lyss. I'm really excited, I've missed her soo much! But i'm not excited to sit in the car forever. I get car sick soo easily. :( I absolutely hate it.
I reaally want to go camping. Like, super bad. I haven't been camping in like three years. I want to go! :(
Anyway, when Kyrstin and Ashley stayed with me two nights ago or whatever (the night before the trip) Kyrstin was being completely normal, and we had a good time and shit. But the next day on the field trip she was a complete asshole to me and Ashley. She completely ignored us and hung out with the guys the entire day. Then today I believe she said a total of 10 words to me within the 5 periods we have together, what the fuck? And she has been being really bitchy to Dean as well, she like didn't talk to him at all today either. I'm like really confused and pissed.
Only seventeen more days of school! HELLLL YES :)
I'm really sad that I'm not going to be able to talk to Colton at all the entire weekend, I'm going to like.. die. Fuck no service. :(
Ah! I'm excited to get my nails done, I think tiffany and terra are going with me, then we'll probably do something that night. and I think i'll invite Lexy to hang out with us too, because it's been like two weeks since we hung out :( It really sucks! Oh, unless she's still grounded :/
I'm really excited for soccer. And cheerleading. I miss both of them a lot. I'm going to miss the seniors in soccer though. And we're definitely going to suck this year, but it's whatever. We'llll have fun. :)
I'm really excited for american idol tonight. I actually think Kris has a chance of making it to the final two. I kinda think Danny is going home. Which is sad, but he should of performed better the past two weeks. Adam is definitely going to win, but I'll be sooo ecstatic if Kris makes it to the top two :D ah!
Well I think I made this long enough now :P
you are the earth beneath my feet, you are my gravity. ♥
Ps/ That group picture is really awesome :]