Well this weekend was actually quite fun.
Friday night me lex and terra went down to get my nails done after school and colton came with us :) then he left and me lex and terra went to my house. Then we went to chinese and met up with ashley, tiffany, nate, and mike and ate there. then tiffany terra lex and I went to terra's and we had a fun night. we played ddr, made mac and cheese, chilled outside for a bit, watched some fcked up video, and yeah. it was fun.
then on saturday i went home and got a shower and napped then my sister came to pick me up and we went up to my mom's. then sister and i went to vestal and bought apples to apples (now i dont have to borrow everyone elses :D) and went to pizza hut.
my sister tried to give her number to this hottie that worked there. the wrong guy got it. he was forty. he's a creep and he's been texting her. ahaha it's hilarious.
but then we went back to the house and mother,sister, and i played apples to apples for a couple hours then me and my sister just chilled til like four in the morning.
i didn't really do anything worth mentioning today. i'm glad colton's back in serrvice.
i don't want to go to school tomorrow. :( but if i don't have a game then i'm going with colton to his sisters' game. :) which is exciting cause i really want to chill with him.
I really want to finish Ashley's scrapbook within the next week but both of my printers are being nazis and it's making me reallly mad.
Cj's birthday is tomorrrow, he'll be seventeeen. Wow :) aha, happpy birthday dear!
In biology on Friday we dissected crawfish. they smelled absolutely repulsive. It was quite disgusting. Me and mackenzie didn't even follow the lab, we basically just destroyed it. :)
My teeth are still sore from the orthodontist on Thursday. I just wish I could get my damn braces offff, ugh.
and afteralll, you're my wonderwall ♥