Listening to: Daphne Loves Derby- Hammers and Hearts
Feeling: jaded
wow, my weekend was good.
Friday i went to colton's. we had a blast like usual ;]. haha.
saturday was wonderful as well. i went to a basketball game with my ladies. i saw devon chaffe..which i haven't seen in forever :)! he asked for a hug and gave me his number, it made my night, ahaaaa. then my bestests, tiffany and terra came home and stayed with me. the stuff that happened is not to leave my house. it was exotic, and they are definitely my bestfriends! VAJAYJAYWAVE :D! how do you like my pussy? :P we stayed up 'til four in the morning, it was a party :P.
sunday was pretty good as well.. terra and tiff stayed all day. we we're kittens. lmao. we took a lot of insane pictures.haha wow. they are the best. after they left i did pretty much nothing.
this weekend should be good. friday colton and i are hopefully going to see meet the spartans. other kids might go, too. saturday i'm going to the mall/olive garden with colton's family for his dad's birthday/valentine's day. =) i'm very excited. depending on what time we go maybe i'll have someone stay with me on friday. who knows =)!
goodness school was a drag today. the only good thing was seeing my loser boyfriend, whom got detention, lmao. anyway, PSSA's tomorrow which completely ruins my weeeek.
colton and i are swell. things haven't been the same, but i just don't want to lose him. we can get through this, we always do!
'cause i built you a home in my heart♥.

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