Wow, I completely forgot about this thing! There is so much I need to update on.
Colton and I are still together. It's been two years, one month, and a couple days. I am happier than ever. We have so much fun together and we're so freaking close, I love him :)
Back in February I got myself into some trouble. Which, yeah I'm really stupid for doing it, but I don't think I regret it.. because I definitely learned my lesson!
As for school, I have exactly one more month of my freshman year. It went by super fast. And it's kinda scary thinking that I only have three more years. I don't want to grow up!
Anywayyy, back in August I had some health problems and I had to go to the doctors. Well they found out I was anemic and gave me some stomach pills and protein supplements. Well things started to get better so I never went back. Well a couple weeks ago suddenly things got reallly bad and I didn't consume anything other than water for four days. I had to get a bunch of tests and stuff at the hospital and they still haven't given me results. I'm nervous, but these pills I'm on have been helping my appetite. I'm tooo young to have all of these health problems :(
I'm really excited for soccer! I miss it a lot. I also miss cheerleading. I'm not really doing a sport right now. I'm a baseball manager, it's not really a sport, but it is fun. I love hanging out with the other managers, it's a goood time :)
I've been spending every other weekend at my mom's and I really do miss her more than I realized. She's so chill and easy to talk to. I honestly tell her like everything now, we've gotten really close. She apologized for abondoning me and she allways is telling me how much she wished i lived there. I swear i'll move in if anything ever happens to Colton and I. He's the only reason I enjoy this stupid town.
I guess the last thing I have to talk about is my sister. I honestly can't stand her anymore. She's dating this kid named Dustin that she has been with for over a year, but she's slept with two other guys. One of which she's been staying with every weekend. Let me add, she barely knows either of these kids. And the one she's been staying with has a kid with some girl and he drinks a lot of alcohol. I'm so concerned about her. She's going to get pregnant or get an STD or just really fuck her life up. Plus, I've been having money go missing lately. I'm ninety-nine percent sure she stole it, but there's not way to proove it. I mean, I had to keep it in my grandma's purse and it turns up missing from there. Who else coulda taken it? It doesn't just walk away. It's bullshit, I'm worried.
I guesss that's all for now. After not updating for over a year theres quite a bit to talk about. I could probably think of more but i'll just start writing more often :)
you make me smiiile ♥