We dissected grasshoppers today.
It smelled really bad.
I hope I get to hang out with Alyssa this weekend, I really miss her.
We have a field trip tomorrow and I'm quite excited. Ashley and Kyrstin are coming over tonight. I wish they'd hurry up and get here.
I'm sad that I have to miss American Idol tomorrow night.
Colton isn't feeling well and I feel really bad. It's to the point where he can't even text, poor kid. I hope he feels better.
Fish sticks are disgusting.
Matt Silvers was randomly texting me today. It was super weird. And what made it most weird is that he gave me this huge speech about how he thinks Colton and I have true love and how everytime he's around us all he sees is nothing but smiles. Haa, he's a freak.
'cause you are the brightest star, and i'm in love with who you are. ♥