Word of the Day:
I was thisclose to finishing a nice, full entry when Patrick came to sit on me and poked at the computer and erased the whole damn thing. So, a short and unfulfilling recap:
Euro 2008 is awesome and Germany is kicking ass.
2. I'm feeling more pregnant and less lumpy, we're all excited to learn the sex of the baby, and I'm also excited to start knitting for it.
3. Patrick is awesome and is growing up right in front of me...enter cute story about him having an accident in the middle of the night and him taking care of it himself.
4. Patrick's also been much better the past couple of weeks.
All right, recap done. Now on to pictures.

More than anything, Patrick looooves helping my mother clean my bathroom. I tell her not to, but she knows that he enjoys it and I think that's her motivation. He likes to spray, so he'll spray in the bathtub and clean it with a sponge. Also, he'll spray the walls and clean the walls. It's really funny because he sings his 'doing something' song--it's something he sings when he's doing pretty much anything, playing, cleaning up, building with blocks, anything.

Right before I had to leave to go to work yesterday, Patrick started to build a kickass castle. I told JD that I wanted pictures when he was done with it, and look, look how awesome it is! He's getting so creative when he's building with his blocks. I'll ask him what he's making, and he says all sorts of crazy things, a tree house, a pirate boat, a rocket ship, a horse. It's just fun to watch him.
And this morning, when I was cutting up things to throw in the crock pot for dinner:

He said he wanted to wash the dishes, and so I let him wash a few little plates, pieces of silverware, and cups. He actually did really well on his own, but I helped him along a bit. Really, I think he only wanted to wash the dishes for this:

He can't help it, he loves bubble beards.
JD told me that yesterday, Patrick was poking around in some boxes in our room when he found his little green blanket from way back when.

He was thoroughly upset because it's all stained brown in places and we were going to throw it away. He said that it was for the baby and the baby was going to be wraped in it and be nice and comfy and cozy. How could I throw it away after all of that? So, the blanket's in the washer for the new baby. I thought his concern was really amazing, and I also wanted to show off pictures of Patrick when he was a little babeh.