being at the hotel. I am so so proud to say that I got to handpick, personally choose the room that Willie Nelson is sleeping in tonight. So boo-YA, world, I rule today!! Of course, my ruling of today was slightly diminshed by the unfortunate dropping of my phone into the toilet in Hobby Lobby. Yeah, that freaked me out just a tiny bit. I had to pee so badly that I put my purse on top of the toilet [instead of doing what I usually do and hang it on the hook of the door]. It started to tip over, and right before I caught it the phone slipped out and plunged to it's watery suicide. I freaked out, I realized I didn't know how to get the battery out, I tried to dry it off and shut it down at the same time, and I still had to go to the bathroom. So I went pee [real quick], gathered all my things, and went outside. JD was waiting for me outside, and I was all like, 'I...I dropped my phone in the toilet.' He was all like, 'What?! How'd you do that?' So I explained while he took the battery out and we went to the breakroom to dry it out and try to fix it. I felt so bad, I still feel bad. We came home and I ate a whole bag of beef jerky by myself. Stuff like this used not to happen to me. I'm so clumsy and forgetful now, it's horrible. So we took it apart, tried to dry it out, and now it works halfway [some of the buttons don't work all the time, the clock isn't there, etc.], but I can talk to JD and he can talk back to me, so things are working all right as far as I can see. Another good thing, which surprised me somewhat, was that I got to see Aaron yesterday. We had a lunch date at Taco Bell, and then JD joined us when he went on his break. No, but really, I was going to sleep watching TV at home with no pants on being a bum when Aaron called and said he was done with his shopping and he was waiting for me at Taco Bell. So I went over there and hung out until JD went to lunch and met us there and we all hung out till JD had to go back to work. It was nice visiting with Aaron again about school and people we know and girl woes/joys. I really didn't think he'd call me at all. He told me he was going to, but I didn't think he would. It seemed to me that he was only coming home to see Dawn, to be with Dawn, so it sort of surprised me that he did what he said he was going to. It's sort of sad to think that Da Quad is no longer. I've fallen into ruin, Michelle's transferring to KU next semester, Nicole's going to Rome and then transferring, and the only ones who are left are Kate and Kim at UD. It makes me think what would have happened if I would have been able to go back to school. Would Michelle be transferring? I think Nicole probably would because she was thinking about it her freshman year. How would things be? I'm only speculating, and this is only making me feel badly, so, I'll stop. _____________________________________________________________________________

does yours still work?
I don't know when we're going to get married. We were doing it next February but we've decided to wait until the baba is older.
i hope youre feeling well. i cant wait to know if its a boy or a girl when you give birth. i like buying baby clothes.
my friend, tamara, is also clumsier and forgetful now thats shes preggo. i think its normal.
take care.