Listening to: By The Way - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Word of the Day: gam
Oh my freaking goodness, I can't believe the word of the day originated in freaking Moby-Dick!!!

This is a view from where I sit and study.
My C&P paper needs a conclusion, but it's basically done. So now I can start on psychology.
*le sigh*

I once wrote a paper for my high school lit class after we read moby dick. I pretended he was my client, and I was a psychologist, and I talked about his case and how I treated him.
hehe my thoughts might take me bad places...
haha just kidding.. im like shellshocked from all my work.. get this:
today i had 55 statistics problems due, 2 papers, and two finals. BUT its over now.
arrrg two days from now??? blahhness but then it will be OVER just think positive... think of Brian Westbrook... i know he's what gets me through the day. :o)
im tired. i must go now... but tell me how you've been! i've missed your stories.
Pees. ~*Kristina
the sun is shining there...