Word of the Day: doctrinaire

Happy St. Patrick's Day. And yes, this is up on one of the walls in our room. Because JD and I are weird people.
You know what I was doing one year ago today? I was [not only wearing the same shirt I'm wearing as I type] on a bus on the way to Naples to get on the ferry to Sicily for ten days, going over lines for the play and listening to Aaron sing 'Total Eclipse of the Heart.'
Now I'm going to listen to my Rome CD.

hurra for you :)
i wore my green too :)
it is amazing how much can change in a year.
but back to my bruise it's a long one, and it's pretty much in the same spot as yours was, only a little higher..
P.S. I don't know why, but I really like the picture you have right there *points to left corner* very cute, looks like fun :)
you have a nice day too :)