Word of the Day: superjacent
I had my ultrasound on Tuesday afternoon, and I got to see my baby! Oh, gosh, it was so beautiful. I was so overwhelmed seeing the little legs kick and the little arms. Everything's perfect, so the lady told me, and it has all the proper appendages at the appropriate dimentions. The lady printed out five pictures, which will eventually be scanned in and sized correctly so that I can email them out and post one on here. I took them to work that day and made everyone I saw look at them. I was a little bit excited. I just can't believe that with some gel stuff and a big machine thing, you're able to look inside and see the little life, the little person. I mean, just think of what it was like back in the day, when no one had any idea what was going on in there except that something was getting bigger. Now things are so sophisticated, people can know almost anything. I mean, it's insane. Everyone asked me what the sex is, and I told everyone that I didn't want to find out. People are seeming to have issues with that. I mean, I know that everyone finds out, but I didn't want to. I want to be surprised. It's just been recently that people can find out for almost sure if the baby's a boy or a girl, so what have humans done for the thousands of years before that? Guessed, were anxious, hoped, wished, wondered, pondered. I want that, I want to wonder without knowing, I want to wait and see. What can I say, I'm old-fashioned.
Our baby's coming on 21 March, 2005.
I just got the message that our rings are ready at Zales, too. It's a good week.

It's our baby!! Eeeeeeeee!!!!!!

I think it's a girl. I dunno, that's just my guess. anyway she is beautiful!!
sweetie I can't wait to see you and squeeze you so hard the baby will have to kick me away. Have you felt it move yet?
Luv you so much!
i was looking online at zales today. i love jewelry. i want a promise ring, because i think they're sweet and pretty. but jeff thinks promise rings are silly. eh.
please fill me in. thanks.
i want a babeh!!! not for a while because just not for a while, but man do i want a babeh.
-holly brooke
i'm not ready to be pregnant now, but i am excited about the day that i am. what can be more incredible than seeing your child for the first time?
your baby is perfect :)
I'm excited for you!!!
I think it's wonderful not to find out whether it's a boy or girl, I wouldn't either: it'd just be so exciting to find out at the moment.
not only should you post pictures from the ultrasound, but you should post a picture of your rings!!!