Word of the Day:
lord of misrule
I can't wait to have this baby out of me. I want to not have anything that goes spastic inside of me. I want my body back.
Work is extremely boring as of late. Well, there have been some shake-ups, but up at the desk it's been mighty slow. Our present general manager, Linda, is being replaced by Adrian, who I remember from last summer, per corporate office. Reason being: we suck in general as a hotel, and we have till March to bring our guest satisfaction scores up to average or else we're going to lose the franchise and [most of us] our jobs. That's kind of a lot of pressure on the front desk, since what we suck at most is guest service, and we're the only ones who can change that. So, hopefully I'll have a job to take maternity leave from and a job to go back to in May. Which is actually really depressing now that I think about it.
We're spending Christmas with Uncle Dale in Austin, one of JD's uncles. I'm nervous to meet him and his wife and daughter. The whole situation, it makes me feel kind of weird. It's like, 'Hi, I'm you're...neice-in-law...' Just weird. I hope I pass.

Oh yeah, and it's snowing outside. Or, as much as it can be 'snowing.' My first white Christmas in years and years.
*some time later*

Steve from women's retreat in Rome.

His mate Carolyn from twenty minutes ago.

JD's message to me.
I can't believe it's actually freaking snowing in Victoria, Texas.
*even more time later*

Lots of snow on the ground. And this is real live snow. Like we haven't seen in years down here.

Me eating snow. Real live snow. My God, I can't believe it's actually snowing. I mean, look at it, it's
really snowing!!
the most emailed story on yahoo! news. i thought of you.
merry christmas!
hope you have a wonderful Christmas
-holly brooke
user: gallery00
pass: 00gallery
PS: most of the rubber cement came off :p
i hope you get to keep your job.
people are stupid sometimes.