Word of the Day:
Man, I totally want a Wii. Just the thought of standing in my living room and swordfighting with my TV is so exciting. I would love love
love that, but I think JD thinks it's nerdy.
I was off today and I decided to clean hardcore. I cleaned so hard I actually found my camera. I washed clothes, washed dishes, picked up Patrick's room, swept, mopped, wiped down the stove and counters, picked up and unpacked the boxes that were still packed in our room. Here are some of the results:

Here's my huuuuge open kitchen. Most of the cabinets are empty and since we don't have a dining table and chairs there's a lot of space in there. There is one thing missing, however--

--that's right, my stove is off in the middle of nowhere all by itself by the pantry. I've never seen that. I mean, they could have put the stove where the refrigerator is so that at least it's not waaaaay over there when you're trying to carry hot pots and pans all over the place. Other than that, though, I like my kitchen.

My bar is the biggest bar I've ever seen in my life. It's so long and so wide, I was amazed.

Here's our tiny tree that, for obvious reasons, has to be kept on the bar. The gifts are being kept on top of the entertainment center because I like keeping my bar empty.

My vinalla and hazelnut candles, JD's picture of the snow covered angel he took Christmas 2004 [when it snowed] and two reindeer candlesticks grazing from a plate of Patrick's leftover Halloween candy. That is the extent of my Christmas decorating apart from the tree.

This is our so so comfy [and so so free] granny couch,

and this is what I like to call my throne, where I spend most of my time at home if I'm not sleeping and where I wrote most of my crappy NaNoWriMo novel. I made sure to put JD's picture of Jon Stewart right above it so that when I walk through the door [which is opposite the chair] when I come home, he's one of the first things I see.
And that's about it for the communal parts of the house. The bedrooms are tiny and the bathroom is the same, but it's ours and I love it even if it's tiny and crappy.
Now, here are some random mostly Patrick related pictures from the past few months:

I put a soccer ball in Patrick's shirt. He thought that was so funny, but then he couldn't figure out how to get the ball out and he got mad. Although if I remember correctly, he never let the cup leave his lips.

I think this was when Patrick was learning to stick out his tongue. He does it with such gusto and he never fails to make the 'aaaaaahhhhh' sound when he does it. What you don't see in the picture is that he's looking at me and I'm sticking my tongue out as well. We must have looked funny.

This was his favorite place to hide when he discovered he could fit in between the dresser and the bookshelf. I'd be sitting on the bed and he's squeeze himself in there, wait for a few seconds, and then stick his little head out and say 'Boo!'

JD took this picture when they were playing with the bed covers. They were hiding underneath the covers, and all I could hear was giggles from the both of them.

JD and Patrick chillin on the floor. I guess they'd played hard.

Patrick did that all by himself. He and JD had been playing with the blocks, and then I guess Patrick got bored with them so he put the bag over his head. I don't know, but it was really funny watching him take the bag, look at it closely, turn it round a few times, find the opening, and finally pull it over his head. I want to put up a picture of the huuuuge block structure they made, but JD won't let me becuase he didn't have his shirt on at the time and he's pasty white.

Not related to Patrick at all, a dinner I made of chicken Parmesian and green salad. Mmmmmmmmm, it was mighty tasty.

Anyone want a Patrick? He got in there willingly, he nearly dared me to send him to China. He had a ball with all the boxes where we were packing to move. I have other pictures of him climbing over stuff and stacking boxes. He's just too cute.

Me and Patrick brushing our teeth.

Patrick was a dog for Halloween. By the time we got done with trick or treating, his little head was sweating rivers. But he looked so cute.

Another puppy dog picture.

I believe this was the first bath Patrick took in the new house, before I lost the camera. I'm so glad the tub doesn't have those stupid sliding glass doors like the one we had before becuase it makes it so much easier to bath Patrick. And he likes it more better as well.
The end for now.
Merry Christmas!
I can't decide who he looks like more...I love the kitchen bar too...I have nothing for counter space.
miss you!
scott here. i want to beta test the new sitdiary soon and i wanted to know if you'd like to participate. if you're interested, email me at scottmweaver at gmail dot com.