Word of the Day:
Patrick at two months

I can rarely get him to sleep [or stay without crying] on his back. Though he seems quite happy on his belly. But, look, he almost takes up the whole blanket! He's effing huuuuuuuuuuge.

He's so cute with his legs tucked under his bum. My mom always says that I used to sleep like that.

Doing his exercises. He's now figuring out how to raise his chest off the blanket with his arms so he can see more.

I love this picture. He's looking in the crib mirror, though I'm not sure that he's looking at himself. I think he finds the stuff around the mirror more entertaining [and I also think that when he starts to look at himself he freaks out because it's only a matter of time after I put him looking at the mirror that he starts crying and doesn't stop till I move him elsewhere].
PS. We recently discovered that Patrick's teething. And we think that he has about four teeth coming in.
But yeah, he's le cute and has an excellent sleeping position. I always wonder what's going on in a baby's mind.
Did he have to go in an incubator(sp???)or anything like that.
I was born a couple weeks early so I had asthma but I don't anymore. I think a lot of babies are being born prematurely. I don't know if thats really a bad thing because they all seem to turn out fine.
When do babies usually start getting teeth?
just looking at these pics makes me want a baby. as unrealistic as that is right now.
is that the green blanket we sent? that blanket seemed huge, if it is. hes growing fast.
take care.
Is he big for a baby? I don't really know whats big and small for a baby.
I really like babies but when they start to cry im like uhh..wheres your mommy?? but im always afraid i'll drop them or something so I don't really like to hold them.