Word of the Day:
Penelope at one month

Pretty eyes! Pen's eyes are still bluish gray, and we all hope they stay that way. Or change to blue. The three of us have brown eyes, but JD's the only one in his family with brown eyes. My dad has blue eyes, so it's definitely in our families. She'd look so cute with blue eyes--I'm trying to picture Patrick with long hair and blue eyes, but it's just not registering. But anyway, her eyes are so pretty.

And, of course, she's super cute when she's sleeping, too.

One of Penelope's favorite places to be is on the changing pad because it's on top of a dresser with a gigantic mirror. Since she came home, she'd just lay there and look at herself or look at things in the mirror. I know that babies love mirrors, but she really loves mirrors.

She's very good with holding her head steady, so it follows that she's good with lifting her head when on her belly. However, when she was playing on her belly this evening, she just about flipped herself over a few times because she kicked her feet up so forcefully.

And then she got mad.

Finally, on that beautiful green blanket.
She went to the doctor two weeks ago for her two week visit, and she weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 inches long. As the days go by, she's staying up longer during the day and sleeping pretty well at night. Also, I'm discovering that she's pretty grumpy. She looks either grumpy and upset or very thoughtful most of the time. I know she's only a month old and the way she is now might not be the way she grows up, but I don't want her to be grumpy, I want her to be happy and giggly. Maybe that'll come once she learns how to smile and giggle.
This wasn't from today, but I thought this was the cutest thing:

Patrick alternately loves and ignores his sister. When she's crying, he covers his ears. I try to tell him to help console her, to sing to her and try to get her to calm down, but he'd just keep his ears covered. One day, though, he started singing the alphabet to her, and she quieted down. I praised the heck out of him for that, and he was just all sorts of proud of himself.
And speaking of the eldest, look what I found:

Patrick at one month. I guess I'd made him mad, too.