Listening to: this commercial in which the song is pretty catchy ;-)
Feeling: alright
hey everyone!
hmm..i think i figured something new out about myself...im good at helping people with their problems..but i cant fix my own..i think i try to avoid things when im scared of them and avoid my problems..i have helped 2 people in the past 2 nights..and i have totally forgotten about my problems while i was helping them with theirs..its not a good thing..trying to run away from your problems..but at this point in my life...i really dont know what else to do..it feels like thats all i can do..i dont how to get her to listen to me..its not that i like to complain about stuff she does or im jealous or anything..but shes just sort of putting me in this awkward position and its hard for me to deal with that right now..she shouldnt care about what i think because im going to really try to stop complaining and stuff but..i dont know im not that only one thats doing things wrong here..
anyways..again..im trying desperately not to think about that right now..
i went to the beach yesterday...FINALLY!!! haha ive been waiting to go for a good 3 weeks. susan came with me..and we put fake names and fake sns on pieces of paper and we were going to give them to guys..lol but we never did..and we were fighting about ihop..you know that restaraunt i think?..and shes like i-hop..and im like i-hop better..lol it was fun
then..this guy suggested i had a "rough night"..and we're like what the hell do you mean by that?! and we called mistah..lol (dont worry erin he didnt pick up)..hmm and the lifeguards :)..the weird girl..seaweed fight..the guy who looked like mac!!..gOOOey!
and there was this old guy w/ no shirt on..and ummm..hes one of those people that you would rather see with a shirt on..you kno? and he was ordering from the ice cream place and i had to go get a napkin..and he was like..standing really close to them and it was gross cause i had to reach to get a napkin and he was all sweaty and no shirt..yuck
hmm..it kinda sucked tho cause it was all cloudy on the beach and there was no sun..and the water was really cold..even tho we went in anyway and there were sharks!! hahaha
so that was my day yesterday..yeppp..last night when i came home..the rabid raccoon was in my front yard and i was all scared and stuff..he was cute :)..but he was walking like a drunk..and my daddy threw rocks at it to get it to run away and i felt bad for it :(
no plans today..hmm..i wanna just relax a little but thatd get boring..
we're leaving for utah in like a week..and i havent started packing at all..we have to get up real early on july 5th to get the plane..im gunna be dead
welll im gunna go get some breakfast cause i just woke up and then spiffing up krystles sit for her..write later!!
ps-do you guys like the border(s)?? tell me if you like them or not..i cant figure out if i do lol..thanks shotgunxr0manc for showing me how to do it

..replace#FFFFFF with whatever color you want
table border 2
border color.. whatever color you want
cell spacing 0
there you go:)
..table boreder=2
border color=color you want.. like #FFFFFF or something