Listening to: the starting line
Feeling: positive
erin is so cool. i mean she is the coolest person ever... my arm hurts.. :( today is the last full day of school. erin is going to be so sad when we leave school because she will miss mr wiltsee. erin will be extremly upset because she will no longer be occupying mr. wiltsees per. 4/5 world civ. class. it'll be a traumatizing day for both of us.. all we can do is look forward to next year! i g2g because erin has to go to the loo :)
later champs.
-xo Sarah
^^lol read erins journal..we were having fun during study hall
i just got finished taking a latin exam..and i did HORRIBLE!! i already know i did very bad..:/ aw well..this is one of the only times my teacher lets us go on the internet during computers..
tomorrows ashley's lucky day..but she said shes gunna be good! good for you ashley but i still dont think your gunna make it...lol :D
i gotta go..do stuff

very cute diary :D
love, alex
but yeah.
love alex