my bday was grreeat...and i got a guitar!!! wooh!! except i really suck!! but the guitar looks cool. its white and midnight blue purpleish and its so cool!!! i dont know any songs or anything yet...because im challenged and i suck but thats okay! haha
yesterday...hmm lets see...science league. there were only 7 of us. it was okay.
today i felt really out of it...like...just blah. i didnt want to do anything. i dont know why but it kinda sucked. the only thing im happy about is that its spring break now!! wooh cauz theres no school tomorrow. its all good. and tonight survivor is on!! WOOOOH!! hahaha its the best.
hmm im bored and hungry. i think ill go practice my guitar :D and suck...and get something to eat. byee!!!


hmm i don't think i commented you back. or maybe i did.
yeah.. the people in my town just suck.
emo boys make me happy too.. which is really ironic.
and the dark is scary. i dim the lights.
well that comment sounded familiar so maybe i already gave it to you.
oh well. i'm sure you like it when other humans interact with you.
have fun...