hey..im about to go get my hairscut..so i dont have time for a long entry
im gunna get bangs woot..but i dunno if theyd look good on me..:/..i hope they do!! haha
yesterday was sooo much fun..me and sophia stayed after for the softball games...and it was..FREEZING!! haha but we made it through then caitlin's mommy drove me erin sophia and caitlin to upper crust and it was FUN! haha and caitlin kept eating all the bread!! she ate like 10 pieces and i had like 2..lol it was fun..and then some condom packages in the trashcan? some funny stuff lol..then we chilled at the corner of caitlins street and just..chilled lol..because it was fun
then erins mom took me and sophia home..and i couldnt find the key to my house so erin and sophia helped me find it and it took like 20 minutes to find it...but we found it lol and i got in my home safely
and..then today...already mentioned im going to get my hair cut..hmm...thats probably like the only fun thing thats going to happen today..well i g2g..leaving soon
