wooh im so happy lol...i love my bday!!! im now sweet sixteen so i can change the number up there from 15 to 16!! how cool is that?!? haha
well today was awesome.ill explain things
actually my morning was bad.i felt really sick and i had a bad headache, but i still wanted to go to school.then right before i was about to blow dry my hair surprise surprise the power goes out.i was so pissed.well when i got to school it all got better cauz i got balloons from krystle (:D) yay! hehe. i got a tinkerbell one(which was the main one that was whacking people in the head all day when i was carrying them through the halls)and i got a finding nemo one and one that says 16 on it and its pink and cool. then i got a card from sophia and a cookie cake thing...and its really yummy! and i got a funny card from erin and one from amanda.
and i got a lot of happy birthdays, even from people i wouldnt even expect. then 3rd period study..oh my god lol it was def. like the best study hall ever! me michelle and erin were going marker crazy and we were writing stuff on eachothers arms and stuff. i got written on my hand: "monkey!","turkey","gimp", "I Love Adult Male Teachers"( haha very funny erin ), "Happy 16th!-Erin-",a fake watch that has the time 8:10 PM, and "I Am SarahStein!" with a fake frankenstein scar. lolol and i wrote
ARMadillo on michelles arm woot!! and i drew a harry potter lightning bolt on erins forehead and a frankestein scar. hahaha it was just the craziest ever.
then..lunch.omg.lunch.krystle got her friend to say happy birthday to me really loud to the whole lunch room.she sneaked it up on me!!!!! lol it was so funny. he came up behind me and said something like "Give a big T-Nac yeehaw for Sarah's Birthday!!" or something of that sort...i wasnt really listening-i was too busy letting my face get bright red.lol.it was funny.
then in science i got to blow out the "bunson burner". woooohoooo.it was a fun fun day.
and now im sitting here waiting for my dad to get home w/ the
pizza hut pizza (my choice of course!) and stuff. i took a 2 hour nap cauz i was really tired out and my head hurt. and i cant stop coughing. but oh well ill stop. heh. wow this has been an awesome bday.
and theres just one more thing to make it even better. crossing my fingers for a guitar! ill find out soon enough tonight. and ill def. update you guys about it.
well im gunna go now...find some cough drops or something. haha byeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!


buhh byyyyee