Listening to: Live on Release - Let's Go
Feeling: somber
so far my summer has been pretty good..not including today of course..hmm
lets see i went to amandas on tuesday and slept over..that was cool and i saw marius haha..and we played with ryan..did you know that mr rogers lives with elvis and elks? and oh yeah cant forget ronald mcdonald..they all live together..yup.
then umm i came home wednesday night..and i was on the computer till like 130 cause a mad crazy chat room!! that was soo much fun..and it was umm..mostly about drugs!! hahaha
this morning i had tennis..it was way too hot outside..i left early to go to the dentists...ewww i hate that place. and now im here. today was really boring..i didnt like it too much. i might be going to the mall tomorrow w/ ashley and a bunch of people..so hopefully that will make up for today..
ahh these people are my idols literally..i want our band to be like them lol..theyre called live on release and theyre a kick ass girl band..check them out!
im pretty sure ive convinced my dad to take me to a show saturday..pretty sure but im not totally sure..hopefully he will because if he doesnt ill go on about how its going to ruin my whole week and im going to be so mad..lol id feel really bad after but i really really really wanna go so its okay
wellllll im going to go watch a movie..cause im in the movie mood. somebody pray that my night gets better?

-xo Erin
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