Listening to: the get up kids - sympathy
Feeling: melancholy
i just wrote an entry but it didnt work..
so here i go again
hmmph..my summer..well my summer is:
yet dissapointing
3-cap'n crunch
5-wacky [im some crazed way]
but overall-except for some things-it is pretty fun..
i finally got around to getting a hacky sack. i got a hacky sack from a pot store in the burlington "ghetto" mall. and it really was a pot store because it had this whole glass case full of pot smoking devices..it made us laugh :) i went with ashley krystle and this amber girl and ashleys brother tom and his friends. it was funner than i expected
sprinklers are fun :)..i cant wait to run in them again tomorrow..
me and krystle have been going on little "sprinkler raids" and running in the huge sprinkler outside of school and we havent gotten caught yet so hush :) dont tell
im all sweaty..grossss from tennis..cause me and krystle went to play tennis for like 4 hours lol lots of fun oh yeah...do you know what i mean now when i say my summer is full of tennis?
not to mention i just had cap'n crunch for dinner..yeah you heard right for dinner
my sister just left to go to her boyfriends beach house for like 2 weeks. i wish i had a boyfriend who would take me to the beach for 2 weeks :(. scratch that. i wish i had a boyfriend.period.
i got the new get up kids cd yesterday :) great stuff! and i got this really sad book called "lucky"..its too sad
ahh damnit my head hurts like crazy. i think im gunna go take some medicine ["pop some pills"] lol ohyeah
baby eyes
the whole thing is a fading senseless blur

Your summer sounds rad.
xo.alyssa [ xmislissx ]
that kids my goddamn idol