[x. Mood .x]

hey-omg yesterday was like...THE BEST lol heres what i did:
in the morning, just sat around the house but then around 12 i went to a basketball game w/ erin amanda and sophia..we lost...bad lol...then after that we walked to uc and met up with caitlin and ate...and OMG IT WAS SOOO HILARIOUS!! okay first-we TOTALLY pissed the waitress off lol! we were being so mean and then she asked if we wanted a check and sophia was like "no but you can give it to us for free!" but sophia was being sarcastic and the lady like stormed off lol we pissed her off soo much.and then...the whole napkin deal lol old guy..erin..napkin...hahaha..(youd have to be there)...then after uc we walked around and me and amanda got yelled at (more like a "hey hey hey!") because we were hiding behind dumpsters lol...then we were walking and this guy in this car drives up to erin and is like "do you want to buy a dog??" and me and sophia were like running away cauz we were scared so i dont really know EXACTLY what happened lol but i think he wanted to rape us...scary hahaha...but erin said no but the guy was PRETTY freaky..lol. then we walked to caitlins house(cauz its really close) and we just chilled and walked down the road and stuff...then erins mom picked us up and i went over amandas house...and then me and amanda decided to go on a walk and take pictures so we did so..it was so much fun!! amanda has a site w/ all the pics and im trying to figure out what it is now...well anyway...we met up with erin and sophia and we all started taking pictures and walking around the block and stuff...and we went over erins house and stuff and her little brothers!! SO CUTE!!! lol then we went back out and took more pictures...and we went over to this ditch place near her house and we started taking pictures on top of the drainage pipe..haha i know..weird but its cool..once i find the pictures ill share some cauz they are really cool...then the sunset...oh god it was sooo PRETTY!! lol it was so pretty..just yeah lol and amanda took a picture of it and it was beautiful..well after that we went back to erins and then me and amanda got a ride back to amandas house...and we set up the picture thing...and had a REALLY nice dinner..it was yummy and stuff ;)...and then we went in her basement and played pingpong...me and amanda against amandas dad and eddie(amandas brother)..and we won..BOTH TIMES! yay!! lol..and the ball kept getting caught on things!! lol remember amanda?! omg again-youd have to be there lol...then we played some airhockey..went upstairs...watched uptown girls and fell asleep.and i just got back from amandas house and i might go over again today to take even MORE pics lol..but im not sure if i can because i think my daddy might be taking us somewhere...hmm not sure...
well yep! that explains my adventure yesterday!! it was sooo much fun...like THE BEST valentines day ever...lolol...haha im really haapppyyy right now because i am...welllll...i g2g...trying to find the pics on amandas online album thing...bye!


Did you know that I once said
That I can't change the road that I was led,
And can't find better friends.
Is it worth the pain?
Is it worth the wait?
As I attempt to set my record straight,
I'll open up the drapes
And I'll appreciate the most beautiful day