I am wearing make-up. Actually, it kind of stings. And I think I look weird. I took some pictures so maybe I'll upload them tomorrow. Tomorrow we're having some public health guy come in and then we get to leave at lunch time. Sha-wing. Me and my mom were chatting about all the cute boys we see on television. Our conversation went something like this: Me: So, Grissoms pretty hot, eh? Mom: (glances at me) Yeah... for an old guy. Me: (shrug) Eh. What about House? Mom: Nah, not him, I don't like his attitude. Me: I'm talking about basing it on looks. Mom: Nope. Me: Oh. Well I think he's pretty cute. (at this point in time, Greg walks in on-screen) Me: Mmm, oh! He's wearing a suit. (he was wearing a suit jacket) Mom: With a t-shirt under it. Me: Mom, he's Greg, he can do that. So what do you think about Chase (from House). Mom: (nodding) Yeah, he's a cutie. (looking back, this is vaugly disturbing) Me: Ohhh yeah. Really cute. Really really cute. Mom: But I thought you liked that other one? Me: Who? Mom: On CSI. Me: Greg? Mom: Yeah. Me: Ohhh, him too. But Chase is only 26, I could swing that (I actually said "swixx" and then we laughed about it). Mom: Ahh. We talked some more, but it was more about how dad was old and bald but we love him anyway. That was weird, actually. Sam: The only thing we can assume is that Anubis didn't keep his deal with Daniel. Jack: That's a shock, eh?