Love. It's a sort of sticky subject, isn't it? Maybe I shouldn't be calling it love. I should be calling it like. Okay. Like. It's a sort of sticky subject, isn't it? You get your regular feelings of lonliness and all that jazz associated with being a teenager in need of someone of something to grasp onto. But what worried me is this: I haven't had a boyfriend since *ponders* June or so, --maybe before that, I just remember it was hot out-- and, mind you, I'm not yearning for someone by my side, I'm not unhappy because I'm single, I'm not sad because 'nobody loves me' and I'm not going to go and get depressed over it, however, if someone were to say they like me, I wouldn't be objected. Now, what I'm wondering here, is that, since I haven't had a boyfriend in a while, if someone were to come along and say they liked me, would I go out with them just to satisify my need not to be lonely? I wonder that. On the other hand... it would depend on the person. But oh well. Lately I've been wondering what the heck I'm doing. If I ever want someone to like me in a romantic way I'm going to have to stop acting like an annoying whackjob. But then again, I don't really hang around boys at all. I used to hang around with Nikki and Randy and that group, but I haven't lately, because I've been hanging around with Krista and Kirstin. Am I upset about this? Not really. K&K (because you never have one without the other) are fun people to be around, not to mention kind of funny in their own way, and they're good kids. So, no, I don't. But then again, in less then a months time I won't be going to school at all. Which means virtually no boys (face it Amanda: you never get invited anywhere by anyone.) which means there isn't even a smidgen of a chance for anything remotely romantic. Okay, SO I could sort of care less. Yeah, I could. But then again, with teenage romance abound everywhere, I can see how people think it might be a downer. Okay, I think I'm done. Comment, if you please. ¢¾
