You know, during the summer I was kind of depressed. Things just werent going you know? It was a kind of depression that comes with being bored. So I suppose it wasn't really depression at all, more like a sadness born out of a severe lack of nothing to do. Now that school has started I'm alot happier. I have things to do, I've been talking to people and socializing and seeing cute boys around school. I realized I missed alot alot of kids from class. Like Krista and Kirstin. Jeeze! Those guys are hilarious. They always put up with me, and tormenting them is so fun. I missed Cavell too. Cavelly, I missed you. Heehee. We have the weirdest conversations her and I. So, lets list the things Amanda must do this week. (I'm taking most of this directly out of my agenda.)
- 1. Wake up by 8:15.
2. Do your morning shizzat.
3. Take bus to north end.
4. Yoga (10:00-11:00)
5. Go home, yo.
6. Work vigorously on Allegretto.
7. Break violin in frustration [1]
8. Go to Blockbuster
9. Buy Stargate while there.
10. Hound mom to buy baking goods for cookies.
11. Succeed.
12. Hound mom to buy other sweets.
13. Decision is as of yet, unknown.
14. Come home.
15. Jump about, then play more of Allegretto with newly repaired violin.
- 1. Get up by 10:00
2. Do monring shizzat.
3. Practice Allegretto one last time.
4. Leave at 1:00 for south side.
6. Arrive at violin teachers house.
7. Shrug and explain THIS SONG SUCKS MONKEYS.
8. Get assigned new song and/or get told to keep practicing.
9. Go home.
10. Shower.
11. Yawn/go to bed early.
- 1. Wake up at 7:30
2. Do morning shizzat.
3. Get to school by 8:45.
4. Attend "Health Care Equipment" workshop.
5. Eat a lunch you don't like.
6. Attend rest of school day.
7. Come home.
8. Collapse in nice/warm/comfy bed.
9. Wake up.
10. Eat.
11. Compy.
12. Sleep.
- 1. Wake up at 9:00
2. Get to school by 10:00.
3. Complete Handwashing test perfectly.
4. Complete terminology test perfectly.
5. Go home.
6. Collapse in nice/warm/comfy bed.
7.Wake up.
9. Compy
10. Sleep.
[1] = This song frustrates the heck out of me, which is why I will break my violin. I'm done. Thats a long entry.
