Mmm, Gackt's voice... shmexy.
What did I do for the past couple of days? Tests. Thats right folks!
I did tests. Two of them so far, then I have one tomorrow and two on Tuesday.
My test yesterday was on the cardiovascular system. Today it was on safety. Tomorrow is the practical and theory test on vital signs. On Tuesday it's the handwashing and terminology test.
Thats right. A test for... terminology!
Music Change: Malice Mizer - S-concious
The lyrics in this song are really fucked.
It's like "I smell a rat/ Why can't you understand?/ Alright./Cut it out/Cut it out/Why me?"
I'm like, "Gackt, what are you on?"
So yes. I'm only worried about the vital signes test that is
(Heavy breathing from Gackt.)
Why? Because... well, just because. Blood pressure, respirations and pulse are kind of heard to do. Respirations especially. Why? Because you have to watch somes chest for a minte, while looking at the time. Oh yeah.
Every time I tried to practise on my parents my mom would start laughing/hicupping. Why? Because she's drunk. Thats why.
Music Change: Malice Mizer - Transylvania
She's also supposed to be making my chicken strips.
OH yeah, not to mention I start yoga on Saturday, and I haven't gotten my violin song down pat for Sunday. Like...
Can we say hectic? I don't think my life has ever been so hectic.

My teachers wont let us fall asleep after them anymore either!