I HAVE A GIANT PROJECT TO DO. BLEH. I'm a crazy whackjob. And I'm not joking. Would you guys like to know about forensic pathology? Okay, I'll tell you in simpleton terms (because thats the only thing I understand).
So, I am stuck inside doing homework while it is a lovely Sunday outside. But I must get this project done! Okay guys.
I just went in there and rocked. I played Perpetual Motion flawlessly. It amazed even me. And then he gave me Allegretto.
That song is the bane of my existance. Not only is most of it on the third string, but I am introduced to the G-STRING. (I laughed.)(Why aren't you?)(Laugh damnit!) I don't like it. Bleh. BLEHHH. Omg. Krista-chan is going to come to our SG-1-a-thon. BOO-YAH. Slowly, they will be recruited.*Steeples fingers* SO. NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. space space. BYE.

I havn't played it since then. I wonder if it's still anoying...
DAMN YOU! You almost made me want to play the piano again.