I am feeling sick. And I have no idea why. I had a headache yesterday, so I went to bed, then I got up. I felt fine. Today at around 10:00 I started feeling bad. And then, by 2:00 I felt like I was going vomit my stomach contents all over Donevan. So I came home, and went to bed. And then I woke up. Now it's 5:40. I'm hot, and hungry. I really want chips but I don't want to start feeling any worse. I'd really like to play violin, but I don't want to make my headache worse. I'd like to do something other then sit on the computer but I can't, because I am feeling sick and I do not want to make it worse (what an excuse). The first night I don't have homework. And I'm feeling sick. Alright, so I'm feeling sorry for myself. But it makes me mad. Every year I go "I'm going to make my school-attendance better." Not thats it really bad in the first place, I don't skip. But, I do fake sick every once in a while. So this year, I was really gonna do it. Am going to do it. Why? Because my attendance in the HEAL program is important. And you get an award for perfect attendance. Shwing. I'm going to go eat something.