Ahh, I feel so ashamed putting that as my song... I don't like girl singers, but this song freakin' stuck with me. I bet it's because I watched all the eppy's of Lain, so I heard it thirteen times. Thats why! Today, me and my mommy are getting our hair cut. Nothing serious, I'm not going supa!short, but... I need to take a little length off. It's getting too heavy. And annoying. It's like I have a small long-haired dog on my head. Or a mop. Are you guys excited about school? I am. Well sort of. I'm not excited about school I'm excited about HEAL. But... (Music change: Fuji Syuusuke [Seigaku] - Hitomi o Tojite Kokoro no Mama Boku wa Kimi o Omou) (Holy crap, I'm not even joking.) But... at the same time I'm dreading it, because it's going to be something really new and I'm going to be learning about these things that only a few other highschoolers learn about. And then theres the whole, 'it's a big program that has gained a ton of media attention and what happens if you don't pass it?' Now, I have confidence in myself, afterall, I have no problem working hard and putting myself towards something like I like, however, I hate doing things I don't want to do. I guess I should be happy that I'm really excited about doing this. I just noticed I can type really fast. Whooo typing really fast. Yerk. This reminds me that I really gotta practice my violin. Gahhhh. Pinky powa! _Amandaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aa)
